Sunday, January 8, 2012

I Am Aaron Hotchner.

No, really.

Okay, I'll admit, I'm not completely like Aaron Hotchner, but I have found one similarity and that's made me giddy beyond all belief.  What's that one thing?

I am horrible at being sick.

For those of you who watch Criminal Minds, you'll understand why this makes Hotch and I alike.  If not, please feel free to watch this until the famous Hotch line, WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES PLEASE?

See, I have this problem with people taking care of me.  I don't like it.  When I have to be in that kind of situation, being told what I can or cannot do for myself, it drives me up the wall.  Especially when it conflicts with my work.  Oh, I don't think I hate anything more than that.

Except for spiders.

This leads me to the famous saying, "I'm fine."  When I'm sick, nothing bothers me more than being pitied.  Sure, I know it's that my friends love me and want to make me better, blah blah blah, but I'm feeling bad enough.  At least let me think I can handle something simple like walking to my dorm by myself.

Although, I admit, I'm not very intelligent when it comes to knowing my limits.  I am, simply put, a workaholic.  Free time?  What's that?

While being sick this past week, my friend Ariel pointed out that I'm totally Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy.  She's possibly more of a workaholic than Hotch.  And the more I watched of the show, the more I started to agree.  There was an episode where she'd had surgery and was supposed to be on bed rest, yet she found herself a wheelchair and went around trying to steal people's patients so she could work.

...I might have done the same exact thing in my Stage Combat class when I got sick.

"Guys, I'm fine!!"  ... "Or not."
Well, my inability to stop working like Hotch and Cristina ended up making me sicker, having to go to the doctor, get a breathing treatment, and basically spend a week in bed.  Next time, I'll just...oh heck, I'm still gonna be Hotch and work till I drop.

Like a boss.